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  • You're going through a Dark Night of the Soul, or have been through several and need guidance and support
  • You feel lost, sad, discouraged, emotionally tired, etc, and don't have people around who understand your spiritual journey
  • You are at a transformational point in your life and need guidance and/or advice
  • You feel the need to talk
  • You are struggling with loneliness, etc


Just like the Universal Time Matrix, we are multidimensional. Which means that on the Frequency Spectrum there are several versions of us vibrating at different frequencies. We perceive ourselves differently, depending on the Dimension we experience.
Whether it is the Universal
Time Matrix or us, who or what experiences these Dimensions. Well it’s Consciousness.

A being, incarnated in the 3D reality, (and this before spiritual awakening) vibrates at the same level as the density in which he is incarnated. His Consciousness, therefore, experiences a tridimensional reality.
When this being awakens spiritually, he realizes his multidimensionality. His Consciousness, then, can be experienced more widely, on the Frequency Spectrum, because not only does he have knowledge of the 3D but also of the other Dimensions which he is a part of. A Dimension is another reality. Awakening one’s consciousness to multidimensionality is awakening one’s consciousness to multiple realities.
It is when the being awakened to his multidimensionality realizes that he also exists at a very fine frequency, in other words, that he exists in Divine form (out of the illusion of this reality) that we speak of Spiritual Awakening.
Paradoxically,  what we call Spiritual Ascension is when humans bring down their Higher Consciousness inside the experience of their physical form.

This powerful energetic movement creates all of the much talked about symptoms of Ascension including the infamous Dark Night of the Soul. Spiritual Ascension is 99% of Emotional Purification.


The Dark Night of the Soul is one of the most intense and complex "symptom" of Spiritual Ascension. When one awakens to higher Dimensional frequencies, the lower frequencies need to be released in order to make room for the higher ones. The release is preceded by the surfacing of the lower vibrational emotions. Trauma and unhealed wounds can no longer be hidden or ignored. They will eventually come up to be cleared out.
We usually experience way more than one Dark Night of the Soul. It is often justified as "Healing isn't linear" without fully understanding the reason for it. Indeed healing doesn't seem to be linear and it is because of our Multidimentionality. Here are the common steps that naturally occurs on a committed Journey:

  1. Emotional pain surfaces/resurfaces

  2. Need to find relief to the pain

  3. Realization that usual relief tools don't work

  4. Finding new ways to heal

  5. Healing/releasing

  6. Broader understanding of Self 

  7. Awakening to a new Dimension of Self and the World

  8. More understanding/ New perspective (Downloads)

  9. Integration (Feeling better)

  10. Embodiment of new Frequencies

  11. Descent of even higher Frequencies

Then it starts all over again!
We will always tap into higher Frequencies and in order to embody them, we need to let go of anything that is keeping us stuck in the tridimensional reality. Which is why the Dark Night of the Soul has a lot to do with the first three chakras, forming the First Harmonic Universe (Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus).
During Dark Night of the Souls, we need support and guidance, particularly during the beginning stages when the emotions are so overwhelming and intense. The Conscious Spiritual Journey is demanding but we don't have to do it alone. If this article resonates with you and you find yourself needing support and guidance you can book your 1:1 session below.


1:1 sessions are 60min long and held via Zoom.

Flat rate of $80


Sessions held via zoom




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