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(Matricaria Chamomilla)

We use Chamomile essential oil in our Solar Plexus Chakra Soaps


Traditionally, Chamomile flowers were used to improve digestive comfort and make it easier to fall asleep. A powerful calming agent for the nervous system, Chamomile essential oil is known to help relieve tension and fight against stress, insomnia and nightmares. It is the essential oil of emotional shocks in psycho-emotional aromatherapy. It is soothing, and also works wonders in body care for sensitive skin. The Chamomile eases skin irritation and heals wounds. 

It releases tensions brought on by the ego, hence the energy flows more freely in the Solar Plexus Chakra.

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We use Everlasting "Immortelle" flower petals in our Solar Plexus Chakra Soaps


The Everlasting or Helichrysum from the Greek "Helios" (the sun) and "Chryso" (golden) is also known as "The Immortelle" flower.​

Native to Corsica, Italy and Sardinia. Its name refers to the flower's ability to last almost forever, after being picked.​ Known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-oxydant and healing properties, the Everlasting helps with pain and is used to minimize scars.​ It eases brutal emotion chocs and stocked emotions and trauma which allows the build of self-esteem.

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Yellow Jasper

​Find a full size Yellow Jasper tumbled stone in each of our Solar Plexus Chakra Soaps.


The name of this age-old stone comes to us from ancient languages. The name “jasper” is inspired by the Latin term “iaspidem”, itself coming from the Greek “iaspis”. These words meant "spotted or speckled stone". Jaspers were already used in prehistoric times to make tools. They were also used to light fires and cut various stones. Today, the Jasper is still appreciated, for its multitude of colors and patterns, in the field of lithotherapy, its benefits on the body and the mind, recognized for a long time, are increasingly highlighted for the general public.

Jaspers are diverse and multiple stones, both in terms of colors and patterns and shapes. It is therefore not surprising that their properties in lithotherapy are particularly varied. It is thus simplistic to associate this mineral with a single symbol. However, its most spectacular virtues crystallize around communication, vitality and energy.

The yellow jasper is known for its powerful effect on our third chakra, the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Due to its central position, the solar plexus chakra impacts the functioning of the other chakras and the circulation of energy. In the event of a blockage, the person feels a drop in tone and confidence, causing increasing difficulty in achieving their goals. The virtues of jasper facilitate the opening of the solar plexus chakra, freeing access to a positive internal dynamic. 

The Yellow Jasper is a powerful source of vitality. In the service of health, it dispenses new and restorative energy, specifically for people recovering from an illness. It optimizes blood circulation and organ irrigation.

From the point of view of psychological fulfillment, jasper is a true source of peace and serenity. The use of this mineral promotes inner harmony, in terms of emotions and thoughts. The mind reaches a state of deep calm and the released emotions are naturally balanced. Jasper is an ideal stone to accompany meditation sessions as it promotes calm and introspection. The Yellow Jasper forms a resource of will and power, especially useful in difficult times and trials. It acts as a protective shield against external nuisances and suffering. Through this benevolent action, the stone accompanies each person to get through painful situations as best as possible. It helps to find access to one's own positive will to guide the user towards the best. The Yellow Jasper is therefore a mineral of choice when one is faced with a life challenge, both essential and complex.

In times of questioning and doubt, the use of the Yellow Jasper is an excellent option. This stone places the user in the ideal position for a serene and constructive introspection. It brings lost minds back to the essentials and dispels unnecessary delusions. To strengthen the link with reality and the fundamental identity of being, the Yellow Jasper supports rooting. Force of anchoring and clairvoyance, they ideally accompany the work of psychological centering for people with dispersed energies.


All gemstones are polished and safe to place in a soap. When you purchase crystals you get to pick them, well this time the crystal chooses you!


Note that each stone is different and may vary in size and color.

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In lithotherapy, the optimal use of stones, endowed with precious virtues, goes through rituals of purification and recharging. Ideally, we recommend cleaning the minerals between each session of use. An appropriate time and frequency of refilling allows you to benefit from the properties of the stone at their peak.

The cleaning step can be done using lukewarm running water or distilled salt water. Dipped in the liquid or rinsed for a long time, the stone regains its initial purity. Classically, the recharging of jasper works very well by exposure to sunlight or on a cluster of quartz. There are also other methods like burying or incense smoking.

Our star ingredients

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Learn more about our first ingredient : Organic Unrefined Coconut Oil

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Learn more about one of our primary ingredients : Macadamia Milk

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